4,000 police for 1,500 protesters: Anti-NATO activists rally at Munich Security Conference

‘Over 1,500 peace activists surrounded the Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich, Germany, on Saturday, calling for the abolition of NATO, global disarmament, and solidarity with refugees.
The protest was organized by the left-wing group Aktionsbündnis Gegen die Nato-Sicherheitskonferenz (Action Alliance against the NATO Security Conference), or anti-Siko for short.
“At the so-called Munich Security Conference (SIKO) in February 2017, the political, economic and military power elites, mainly from NATO countries, the main responsible for refugees, for war, poverty, and ecological disasters, will congregate,” the group’s website explains.’
Read more: 4,000 police for 1,500 protesters: Anti-NATO activists rally at Munich Security Conference 

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