Alex Jones’ Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman

‘Kurt Nimmo, a longtime former editor for Alex Jones’, has been publicly trashing his ex-boss as a “snake oil salesman” who sold out to support President Donald Trump.
Alex Jones and his are known for pushing conspiracy theories, including claiming the government perpetrated the 9/11 attacks and the tragedies at Columbine, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon, among others.
The site’s editor, Paul Joseph Watson, apparently has no editorial standards and has repeatedly posted fraudulent information. Jones recently announced that the purported news organization would be attending White House press briefings and that it had hired widely discredited reporter Jerome Corsi as its D.C. correspondent.’
Read more: Alex Jones’ Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman

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