Bee-pocalyse Now: Study details catastrophic human impact on bees

‘The metabolism of bees is severely impacted by human “interference” with land, according to a new study that adds to ongoing concerns for the health of the global bee population.
Bees are a crucial part of the planet’s ecosystem, pollinating an estimated one-third of food consumed by humans.
The study published in the journal ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society B’ sought to find out how the metabolism of honey bees was affected by human meddling, such as clearing land for grazing animals, in their environment.
The researchers measured the metabolic rate of bees, both in a human-affected and relatively untouched habitat. Comparing the two, they came to the conclusion that “the metabolic rate of bees in natural woodland was actually significantly higher than in a degraded environment,”said study author professor Don Bradshaw.’
Read more: Bee-pocalyse Now: Study details catastrophic human impact on bees

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