Beware: Dangerous pharmaceuticals are sometimes hiding in nutritional supplements, making them unsafe

‘Herbal food supplements are supposed to be potent natural plant medicines to improve our health. Unfortunately, dangerous chemical-tainted supplements have flooded the market, undermining the credibility of companies who are producing safe and pure solutions to treat our health issues.
Next to making unproven health claims, these fake supplements may do more harm than good. While they are usually labeled 100 percent natural, some of them contain chemical toxins which are not listed on the label, a team of researchers has warned.
According to the study, published in the Journal of the Association of Public Analysts, over-the-counter products classified as food supplements to treat obesity and erectile dysfunction problems often hide unlicensed and illegal pharmaceutical ingredients. As reported by The Guardian, experts believe the pharmaceutical drugs are sometimes added by accident. But on some occasions, they were added deliberately to enhance the effect of the herbal supplement.’
Read more: Beware: Dangerous pharmaceuticals are sometimes hiding in nutritional supplements, making them unsafe

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