Billionaire George Soros tries to block EU member plans to take power BACK from Brussels

‘Billionaire investor George Soros is attempting to use his influence to block changes which would reduce the European Union’s (EU) power.
A number of NGOs funded by the Hungarian-American Europhile business magnate have complained about proposals from four central European states to take power away from the bloc and hand it back to member states, a report by EuroActiv has revealed.
Leaders of the Visegrád group of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are thought to be drafting plans to minimise bureaucracy and regulations within the European Union which they believe does not benefit their countries.
Opposition to open borders, refugee quotas and a wish for more free trade and strengthened ties between the EU and the US are all issues believed to be being considered for the proposal.’
Read more: Billionaire George Soros tries to block EU member plans to take power BACK from Brussels

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