British Newspaper Writes Headline Haiku Like Goebbels on Meth

‘Wow. “Russia” said Romania was a clear threat? That sounds serious. Time to annex Bucharest?
Just out of curiosity, which Russian official uttered these words? Lavrov? Putin? Nyet:
Russia sees Romania as a Nato outpost and “a clear threat” due to it hosting elements of a US anti-missile shield, a senior foreign ministry official has said.
“Romania’s stance and the stance of its leadership, who have turned the country into an outpost, is a clear threat for us,” Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko told the Interfax news agency in an interview.
Oh wow. Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko? Yeah he’s …. nobody. He’s not Russia and does not speak for Russia. And furthermore, he didn’t say Romania was a “clear threat”, he said the U.S. missile shields in Romania are a threat.’
Read more: British Newspaper Writes Headline Haiku Like Goebbels on Meth

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