Climate Change supporters become ‘science fascism’ enforcers: Michael Mann sues critics who question his tortured conclusions

‘As the theory of man-made climate change continues to crumble, especially with the incoming Trump administration, one of the biggest names perpetuating its merits is taking a new approach to dealing with detractors: lawsuits.
Michael Mann, a professor from Penn State who reached fame status for his “hockey stick” portrayal of global warming trends — an image that has been thoroughly debunked, by the way — is reportedly now suing those who would dare to question his work.
Scientific fascism, in other words, is how Mann hopes to temper criticisms of his mythical treatise that cars, cows, and other things people use are causing the polar ice caps to melt. According to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Mann has already launched a case against the free speech rights of others who scrutinize his work.’
Read more: Climate Change supporters become ‘science fascism’ enforcers: Michael Mann sues critics who question his tortured conclusions

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