CNN Says Calling Them ‘Fake News’ Is The Same As Using The ‘N-Word’

‘It appears that CNN has launched a war on those who attempt to call out the mainstream media’s lies by comparing those who use the term ‘fake news’ with those who use derogatory and racial slurs like the ‘n-word’.
Late last year, as the presidential election was coming to an end, the Washington Post launched a full on attack against anyone who dared question the establishment narrative — the term ‘fake news’ was born…
…After their attempt to weaponize news blew up in their face in the form of a myriad of cease and desists, and the resultant shit show spawning from mainstream media referring to each other as ‘fake news’, the Washington Post then attempted to take the high ground and “retire the tainted term ‘fake news.’”
Read more: CNN Says Calling Them ‘Fake News’ Is The Same As Using The ‘N-Word’

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