Colman’s Mustard heir admits charity funded ‘child abuse’ barrister for nearly thirty years

‘The heir to the Colman’s Mustard dynasty has admitted funnelling hundreds of thousands of pounds to a barrister at the centre of a child abuse scandal, despite knowing he had brutally beaten teenage boys.
Jamie Colman, who will become a baronet upon the death of his father, Sir Michael Colman, used a charitable trust to send donations of up to £12,000 a year to John Smyth QC, who is accused of abusing teenagers in Britain and Zimbabwe.
The Charity Commission yesterday launched a probe into the Zambesi Trust, which Mr Colman began chairing in 1989, after he admitted it funded Mr Smyth for nearly thirty years, despite Mr Colman knowing that the barrister had admitted beating boys and showering naked with them.’
Read more: Colman’s Mustard heir admits charity funded ‘child abuse’ barrister for nearly thirty years

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