Crimes of Communism

(Excerpted with permission from Dr. Woods’s daily email.)

Sure enough, a YouGov poll taken in late 2016 confirmed my suspicion.

Some 42% of millennials have no idea who Mao Tse-Tung was. For comparison, I’m pretty sure they all know who Hitler was. Somehow Mao never hit their radar screens.

Ever heard of V.I. Lenin? One-third of millennials haven’t.

Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest?

Of those who have, one in four view him favorably. Arbitrary arrests and killings, some 50,000 people in concentration camps, one-party rule, and a reign of terror — what’s not to like?

If a poll showed one in four kiddos viewing Hitler favorably, I’m pretty sure it would be all over the news.

No surprise that 37% view Che Guevara favorably, but even truly mass murderers got some love, with 18% favorability for Mao and even 12% for Stalin.

One out of eight kids who knows who Stalin is thinks he’s A-OK.

Of course, if they’d taken the Western Civilization from 1493 course I prepared for the Ron Paul Curriculum, they’d be in better shape.

(This course is also included as a bonus with the master membership at

Down with commies.

The post Crimes of Communism appeared first on LewRockwell.

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