Crowd ‘nearly kills’ Israeli Arab after mistaking him for terrorist near Tel Aviv

‘An Israeli Arab man was beaten by an angry crowd who mistook him for a terrorist amid an attack on a market in Petah Tikva, not far from Tel Aviv. The man was shouting in Arabic in an attempt to warn people during the attack.
Maed Amar was one of six people injured during a shooting and stabbing attack in Petah Tikva on Thursday, although in his case it was not by the perpetrator. The 35-year-old from Kfar Qasim city, reportedly a market worker, was finishing his shopping when the attack happened. He yelled, “watch out, watch out, take cover” in Arabic as he heard gunshots.
“I wanted to warn people, and they nearly killed me,” Amar is quoted as saying by Ynet newspaper. One witness told Ynet that the unarmed man did not pose any threat and was beaten “simply because he is an Arab,” adding that “it’s good they didn’t shoot him to death.”’

Read more: Crowd ‘nearly kills’ Israeli Arab after mistaking him for terrorist near Tel Aviv

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