Daily Express: David Icke explains his infamous theory why ‘Queen IS a shape-shifting reptile’

‘The former BBC Grandstand presenter, who famously came out as a major conspiracy theorist during an interview with the late Sir Terry Wogan in 1991, was interviewed for a YouTube video shown by channel New World Order TV.
In it, he cemented his claims that the British royal family are descended from a reptilian blood line.
Icke subscribes to the Illuminati conspiracy theory that a secret society made up of the royals, political and business leaders actually pulls the strings of world, seemingly democratic governments, from behind the scenes.
But, he adds to this that members of the Illuminati, including all world royal families, and high powered business, and political families are the descendants of ancient hybrids between reptilian aliens and humans.’
Read more: Daily Express: David Icke explains his infamous theory why ‘Queen IS a shape-shifting reptile’

David Icke – How Reptilians Shapeshift

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