‘Fake news recycling’: Russian Embassy calls out UK media over ‘Montenegro coup plot’ report

‘The Russian Embassy in London has rejected as pure innuendo a report in The Telegraph which claimed Moscow had conspired to overthrow Montenegro’s government during the 2016 poll, describing the report as recycled “fake news.”
“As usual, no evidence, pure innuendo,” the Russian mission posted on Twitter in response to the Telegraph’s lengthy article that ran under a sensational headline and then proceeded to accuse Russia of orchestrating a coup plot in Montenegro last fall, allegedly “to sabotage the country’s plan to join NATO.”
Citing unnamed “senior Whitehall sources,” the Telegraph, which is considered a rather respected publication, claimed in its report that Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic had been targeted by “Russian intelligence officers with the support and blessing of Moscow.”’

Read more: ‘Fake news recycling’: Russian Embassy calls out UK media over ‘Montenegro coup plot’ report

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