Fake News Week: A Guide to Mainstream Media ‘Fake News’ War Propaganda

‘As mainstream media pundits, government officials and Silicon Valley technocrats continue the alarmist crusade over the perceived scourge of ‘fake news’ circulating on social media, their misplaced obsession belies the fact that the government-media complex has long been waging its own private disinformation war, against the global public.
As the establishment continues its attempt to discredit alternative sources of information through its fake news faux crisis, it’s clear that some corporate media moguls would like to turn back the clock – back to the days when a handful of powerful institutions enjoyed a complete monopoly over the production of news and dissemination of information.
Through this information syndicate, they have been able to create a type of consensus reality. By channeling public opinion, the establishment has been able to facilitate a number of engineered outcomes, including war.’
Read more: Fake News Week: A Guide to Mainstream Media ‘Fake News’ War Propaganda

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