Fake News Week: Electronic Voting – The Big Lie That Just Won’t Die

‘The U.S. government, the ‘intelligence’ community and their malicious mainstream-media partners in deception just won’t let it go.
The underhanded U.S. unitary state, which seeks a unipolar world with the U.S. in charge, still says in its “never ending story” that omniscient, omnipresent Russian leader Vladimir Putin masterminded hacking the computerized systems of U.S. elections as well as Democratic National Committee computers.
Then, as the stale tale goes, Russia handed all the resulting electronic juicy tidbits over to Wikileaks, which turned around and dropped a veritable information bomb on America’s delicate democracy.
But while that “bomb” allegedly influenced enough people to vote for the winner Donald Trump and not for loser Hillary Clinton, to this day, according to big media, we’re supposed to forget all about the creepy, damning, criminally inclined things contained in the Podesta-Clinton emails themselves.’
Read more: Fake News Week: Electronic Voting – The Big Lie That Just Won’t Die

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