Farmers and conservation groups suing the EPA for approving Monsanto’s ‘XtendiMax’ pesticide

‘A coalition of farmer and environmental groups has filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to follow the law in approving Monsanto’s newest herbicide, “XtendiMax” (active ingredient dicamba), for spraying directly on a new generation of genetically modified crops.
The plaintiffs in the suit are the Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Food Safety, National Family Farm Coalition and the Pesticide Action Network.
“Federal regulators have abandoned the interests of farmers, the environment, and public health,” plaintiffs’ counsel George Kimbrell said. “We won’t allow our food to be dragged backward into a pesticide-soaked nightmare – not without a hell of a fight.”’
Read more: Farmers and conservation groups suing the EPA for approving Monsanto’s ‘XtendiMax’ pesticide

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