Fidel Castro’s Historical Legacy: Defiance of US Imperialism

‘The last week of January holds special significance for Cubans, and indeed for the progressive men and women around the world. This year, January 25 marks the second month since the passing of Fidel Castro (who can forget November 25, 2016?). On January 28, which marks José Marti’s day of birth, Cubans pay a special tribute to his legacy.
On December 27, 2016, the Cuban National Assembly of People’s Power held a debate on how to legislate the will of Fidel to reject any tendency toward the “cult of personality.” The law expressly bans the use of Fidel’s name “to denominate institutions, plazas, parks, streets, avenues and other public places, as well as any type of decoration, recognition or honorary title.”’
Read more: Fidel Castro’s Historical Legacy: Defiance of US Imperialism

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