Five Warning Signs That Your Neighborhood Is Gentrifying

‘“Yo, the strangest thing happened the other day, bro!” my friend Rick said to me as he swept trash off of the curb into a rusty dust pan. “Two white women came through the block jogging, sounding like they were singing soft rock or something. And I said damn, I know they must be lost!”
Rick and I hail from East Baltimore. The neighborhood we grew up in, Down Da Hill — also known as DDH or Down Bottom — is the last place you’d expect to see a white woman jogging to soft rock. It’s the blackest neighborhood I’ve ever been in. It’s so black that even the white people are black. I don’t even really remember meeting a white person until I started college.
“Yo, Rick,” I replied. “That’s the number one indicator of gentrification.”’
Read more: Five Warning Signs That Your Neighborhood Is Gentrifying

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