Germany Issues Stark Warning To Trump: Stop Threatening The EU and Favoring Russia

‘Two days after the Pentagon’s new chief Jim Mattis appeared before a full conference room in Brussels, and issued an ultimatum to NATO to boost spending or risk a cut in US support, Germany’s Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen “fired a salvo of warnings” back at Washington, cautioning it against hurting European cohesion, abandoning core Western values and seeking a rapprochement with Russia behind the backs of its allies. In a hard-hitting speech at the Munich Security Conference against President Donald Trump’s administration, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen urged the United States not to take transatlantic ties for granted.
“Our American friends know well that your tone on Europe and NATO has a direct impact on the cohesion of our continent,” the German minister told the Munich Security Conference. “A stable European Union is also in America’s interest, as is a strong and unified NATO,” she said quoted by AFP.’
Read more: Germany Issues Stark Warning To Trump: Stop Threatening The EU and Favoring Russia

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