House of Commons backs Brexit bill giving PM power to start EU withdrawal

‘The Brexit bill allowing the UK government to begin the formal process of leaving the European Union has past the final stages in the House of Commons leaving Britain potentially just one month away from triggering article 50.
The European Union (Notice of Withdrawal) Bill sailed through an initial vote last week by a margin of 498 to 114. It past its final Commons test on Wednesday night, by 494 votes to 122, keeping the government’s March timetable to trigger Brexit talks on track. The bill must now be approved by the House of Lords before it becomes law.
The vote came after three days of debate in which pro-EU MPs tried to pass amendments guaranteeing Parliament a bigger role in the negotiations with the bloc, in attempts to prevent a ‘hard Brexit’ in which Britain would lose access to the EU single market.’
Read more: House of Commons backs Brexit bill giving PM power to start EU withdrawal

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