How to Find Your Way Out of the Simulated Matrix (Maya)

‘The matrix we live in is designed to rip all hope, power, and special talent from your conscious awareness. If you realized, no, remembered your true Self, this unfavorable reality would dissipate in a heartbeat. You’d either find yourself living in another timeline, in a different Universe, or you’d be living here and now, but under drastically different circumstances. If we really are living in a simulation, as even people like Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson attest, then that means we can change the computer program – our consciousness, and discover our latent gifts to truly topple the ‘ruling’ regime.
Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson are not alone. In fact, many of the world’s richest and most powerful people are so convinced that we live in a simulation of the real world, that they are funding scientists to help “break us out of it.”’

Read more: How to Find Your Way Out of the Simulated Matrix (Maya)

Simulated Universe and Escaping the “Illusion of Reality” from the Holographic Matrix

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