Is The Obama Administration … Fully Operational?

‘Incredible as it seems it is now widely reported that Barack Obama never left. That’s right. He is parking himself in Washington D.C. and will run an operation fully dedicated to sabotaging President Donald Trump as if the current deep state war to sabotage Trump is not enough. Of course one would be foolish to think that one sabotage effort is somehow independent of the other. No one should be that naive.
Americans must realize that we are on the cusp of something. Some say civil war, the mainstream media calls it “chaos,” truth seekers (like yours truly) call it “engineered chaos” designed to induce some kind of “order.” Yet others say martial law is coming and some even approve of this martial law thinking it will be “temporary.” I suppose the formula for martial law involves causing enough chaos and then the rulers can present martial law as the “solution.” Personally I’m entirely against martial law because it is unconstitutional and there are equally better ways that local governments can handle mass chaos.’
Read more: Is The Obama Administration … Fully Operational?

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