Israeli lawmakers pass biometric database bill

‘Israeli lawmakers have passed a biometric database law to digitally encode personal information of all Israeli residents, including high-quality photos for face recognition and fingerprints, but with certain provisions.
Passed by a vote of 39 to 29 following a fierce debate in the Knesset, the biometric bill, promoted by Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, was adopted in the second and third readings, Haaretz reported. Before the legislation was passed, Members of Knesset (MK) had to overcome two key issues: one dealing with police access to the database and the second, whether minors would be included in it.
Under the amended version of the bill, everyone living in Israel will be required to submit their personal details to the nationwide digital database, which will contain high-quality images for future face recognition.’
Read more: Israeli lawmakers pass biometric database bill

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