Israeli MPs vote to legalize 4,000 settler homes in West Bank amid ‘annexation’ outcry

”The Israeli parliament has greenlighted the legalization of nearly 4,000 settler homes in Area C of the West Bank as it passed a controversial retroactive bill. Prior to its approval, the bill was likened to annexation and blasted by Israel’s attorney general.
The highly controversial legislation, which challenges both international and Israeli law, was backed by 60 Knesset deputies and opposed by 52 on Monday. The so-called Regulation Bill has sparked heated debate with voting having been postponed several times. The bill has drawn widespread condemnation from the opposition, the UN and also the state prosecutor’s office.
Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit has repeatedly voiced his concerns over the bill’s compliance with international norms, saying it is in violation of Israel’s constitution and international law, while refusing to defend the bill before Israel’s High Court of Justice (HCJ). He also warned that Israel might face legal action from the International Court of Justice once the bill is enacted.’
Read more: Israeli MPs vote to legalize 4,000 settler homes in West Bank amid ‘annexation’ outcry

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