Italian senators mull fascist laws making ‘fake news’ a crime punishable by fines & jail. Corporate media exempt. They couldn’t be more blatant

‘A cross-party bill in the Italian Senate proposes heavy fines and even jail time for individuals or media outlets who “undermine” democracy and publish “false, exaggerated or biased” news online and refuse to amend copy within 24 hours.
“There have always been ‘fake news’ or hoaxes, but they have never been spread at the rate we see today. Because of this, it is no longer possible to put off the debate,” said a statement prefacing the legislation, submitted by Adele Gambaro, a member of the small centrist Liberal Popular Alliance, whose initiative has the support of the bigger parties.
Ordinary ‘fake news’ reporting would merit a fine of €5,000 ($5,300), while “hate campaigns against individuals” or stories “aimed at undermining the democratic process” could result in €10,000 ($10,614) penalties. News items that would “cause alarm to the public” or “damage the public interest” will be punishable by up to one year in jail.
Traditional media outlets – newspapers and TV – would be exempt from the legislation.’
Read more:Italian senators mull fascist laws making ‘fake news’ a crime punishable by fines & jail. Corporate media exempt. They couldn’t be more blatant

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