Josh Fox Rallies Hundreds Demanding a Fracking Ban in the Heart of Gas-Drilling Country

‘”If you want to figure out what democracy is, if you want to figure out what America, it’s this in a room like this,” documentary filmmaker Josh Fox explained from the Delaware River Basin Commission Public Hearing in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania. “Two hundred and fifty people at a hearing in the middle of the day, took off from work, and they decided that [they’re] going to stand up and fight against the oil industry.”
Governors from four states, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York, head the Delaware River Basin Commission. Over 15 million people depend on the agency’s regulation of their water supply. The meeting was held in response to President Trump’s gutting of environmental regulations that would expose regions such as northeastern Pennsylvania to drilling and fracking.’
Read more: Josh Fox Rallies Hundreds Demanding a Fracking Ban in the Heart of Gas-Drilling Country

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