Medical Kidnapping by the State, Forcing Dangerous Treatments on Children

‘From the US to Australia, children are being taken away from parents based on intrusive judgements about the way the parents raise them. For reasons ranging from refusing vaccination to homeschooling, the state is stealing children in seemingly increasing frequency.
One important thing to understand is that many hospitals and doctors can no longer be trusted: hospitals have been calling police and CPS on parents, for such things as refusing the dangerous Hepatitis B vaccine, or the vitamin K shot, both given to newborns.
Hospitals and doctors that frankly snitch on parents for refusing allopathic treatment should be astutely avoided and never trusted.
Avoiding a snitch doctor is a critical decision that could save a child’s life. At birth, parents are coerced into accepting vaccination, circumcision, and other potentially harmful procedures.’
Read more: Medical Kidnapping by the State, Forcing Dangerous Treatments on Children

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