Militant group beheads German in Philippines

‘The Philippines-based ultra-violent Abu Sayyaf Takfiri terrorist group has decapitated a German hostage after a deadline for a ransom expired, drawing strong condemnation from Manila for the “barbaric beheading.”
A short video posted online on Monday by the Takfiri group and circulated by the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors terrorist groups, showed German national Jurgen Gustav Kantner kneeling on a grassy clearing and saying “Now he kills me,” a few moments before a masked machete-wielding terrorist decapitated the elderly man.
The Abu Sayyaf terrorists assaulted Kantner and his wife Sabine Merz when they were sailing on a 53-footer yacht near Sabah, in eastern Malaysia. They shot dead Merz as she resisted the abduction but kidnapped Kantner and took him to Jolo, a volcanic island in southwestern Philippines, which also serves as the stronghold of the Takfiri group.’
Read more: Militant group beheads German in Philippines

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