Monsanto’s Communications Guru to Visit the UK: Instead of Promoting GM, Take Responsibility for Your Company’s Actions in Wales
‘Monsanto is preparing a fresh effort to promote genetically modified (GM) crops to the UK public, according to a piece in The Scottish Farmer. The article notes the company recently appointed former World Bank communications strategist Vance Crowe as its ‘Director of Millenial Engagement’, a job that involves convincing the public about the benefits of GM.
In March, Vance will be in the UK to give a series of talks, including one in Glasgow as a guest of Glasgow Skeptics, an organisation committed to “promoting science and critical thinking.” However, according to the article, it seems that organiser Brian Eggo may have already made up his mind on GM. He talks about public fear of GM having held back the technology and says the ban on the growing of GM crops in Scotland was a decision based more on ideology than any actual risk to public health.’
Read more: Monsanto’s Communications Guru to Visit the UK: Instead of Promoting GM, Take Responsibility for Your Company’s Actions in Wales
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