Mr. Islam from UK had donations frozen by US company because of his name

‘A man from Britain named Mamunul Islam only had charity in mind when he raised £400 for a UK food bank. Yet, a US-based website that he used for fundraising froze the money, citing “issues” with an American law and the benevolent man’s last name.
Mamunul Islam, a British citizen who works as an accountant in Bedford in the east of England, raised £400 in donations from other people in the UK by selling tickets to a film screening via the Eventbrite platform, which is designed to help people organize and find events internationally, British media reported.
However, to his consternation, he then found that all of the donations had been frozen by the US-based network because of his last name.
The name “M Islam” was apparently on a restriction list issued by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the company said, adding that it was their “legal obligation” to withhold the funds.’
Read more: Mr. Islam from UK had donations frozen by US company because of his name

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