Myanmar army and police ‘gang rape’ Rohingya women systematically: Human Rights Watch

‘Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Myanmarese government forces have committed “rape and other sexual violence” against women and girls of the Muslim Rohingya ethnic minority while carrying out their so-called counter-militancy operations in the western province of Rakhine.
The rights group on Monday strongly called on the Southeast Asian country to immediately endorse an independent and international probe into the alleged abuses against the desperate Rohingya minority in the volatile region.
The New York-based rights group made the bitter criticism of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi’s government in a statement, saying that the country’s “army and Border Guard Police personnel took part in rape, gang rape, invasive body searches, and sexual assaults in at least nine villages in Maungdaw district [in Rakhine] between October 9 and mid-December” last year.’
Read more: Myanmar army and police ‘gang rape’ Rohingya women systematically: Human Rights Watch

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