New Opportunity

In an extraordinary and inspiring discussion with the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee on Feb. 6, Lyndon LaRouche showed that President Trump’s Feb. 10-11 summit with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, opens the door to the United States to join the “new agreement among the nations,” which includes the ongoing Russian-Japanese agreements, the China-led Belt and Road Initiative, and the other related revolutionary new features of the 21st-Century world. The first article in the just-out Feb. 10 “Executive Intelligence Review,” titled “Therefore Choose Life”– which is available to the public — attempts to summarize that Feb. 6 discussion, so it will not be re-summarized here. Instead, we will only point to some of the leading, newly-breaking developments which highlight this historic opportunity, one which Mr. LaRouche noted will be available only for a limited time–unless it is seized now through his “Four New Laws” of June, 2014.

As we have already said, Prime Minister Abe is reportedly coming to Washington with an offer of high-technology investments, including high-speed rail, which will create 700,000 American jobs. He is also expected to offer cooperative research in high-technology areas including advanced nuclear power generation. Otherwise, the new feature of Abe’s Washington mission which was reported today by Nikkei Asian Review, is that Abe will propose formation of a permanent U.S.-Japan economic council, to be led on the Japanese side by Finance Minister Taro Aso, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, and for the U.S. by Vice-President Mike Pence.

As Prime Minister Abe arrived at Andrews Air Force Base Thursday evening, Mainichi reported, “Abe will seek to discuss with Trump ways to bolster bilateral trade and investment for the economic benefit of the wider Asia-Pacific region… according to Japanese authorities.”

On Feb. 6, Lyndon LaRouche had subsumed this entire initiative of Abe’s towards the U.S., within the context of Japan’s new agreements with Russia for major economic cooperation leading towards a peace treaty. On that Japan-Russia side, Mainichi reported yesterday that Feb. 7 was “Northern Territories Day” in Japan, when every year, the Japanese expelled from those islands by the Soviets in 1945, and their descendants, rally for the islands’ return to Japan. But this time, Prime Minister Abe addressed them on his “new approach,” which is “aimed at strengthening mutual trust through joint projects and lead to conclusion of a peace treaty.” Opinion polls conducted shortly after the December summit of Abe with President Putin in Japan, showed that about 60 percent of the Japanese public supported this “new approach.”

“Sputnik” reported that on the same day, Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida convened the first meeting of an inter-ministerial council of the Japanese government, on cooperation with Russia on the Kuril (or Northern) Islands. “I would like to ask all interested ministries to start consideration of joint economic projects with Russia, including in fishery, tourism, healthcare and environment protection,” Kishida said. “These projects should be economically advantageous for both Japan and Russia.” Lyndon LaRouche particularly underscored this last point, “economically advantageous for both,” earlier today.

It is further reported that Prime Minister Abe will travel to Russia twice this year, and hold summit meetings with Vladimir Putin during both trips. The first trip will be at a date to be determined in the first half of 2017, and the second will be to Vladivostok for the East Economic Forum in September.

On the U.S.-China side, President Trump sent a letter Wednesday to China’s President Xi Jinping. The text has not been released, but both sides said that it thanked President Xi for his congratulatory message on Donald Trump’s inauguration, conveyed wishes to the Chinese people for the Feb. 11 Lantern Festival and the Year of the Rooster, and said President Trump looks forward to developing a “constructive relationship” with China. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said that “China attaches great importance to developing the relationship with the United States.” China and the United States both have a responsibility to safeguard world peace and stability, and promote global development and prosperity. “Cooperation is the only right choice for China and the United States.”

On the U.S.-Russia side, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirmed today that Russia and the U.S. are working on the possibility of a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, on the sidelines of the Feb. 16-17 G20 foreign ministerial meeting in Bonn.

Yesterday, Minister Lavrov made remarks on the occasion of the release by the Foreign Ministry of Soviet foreign policy documents of 1943. In the course of a most moving evocation of that pivotal year of the war, he said:

“Even though the allies pursued their own interests, they were able to rise above divisions and differences and join forces in the name of defeating the Nazi ideology. This can be clearly seen from the documents on the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers in October 1943 and the Tehran Big Three conference in November-December 1943. During these events, the participants discussed critical issues related to, among other things, the post-war world order and the establishment of the UN. Today, as the international community is faced with an unprecedented surge in international terrorism and extremism, the experience of alliance and cooperation to address common tasks is particularly important.”

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