Operation ‘Chaos’: Trump And His Opponents Ushering In Age of Instability

‘Chaos has been weaponized, and the next era will be defined, perhaps, by the angry back-and-forth between the extreme left and the extreme (alt) right.
The first two weeks of President Trump’s executive orders and actions have sent the country into a tailspin – and this is just the beginning of something very raw and ugly coming to the surface.
The status quo has been dissolved – when it comes to immigration policy south of the border, or Muslim migrants and asylum seekers, things have become chaotic and uncertain with regards to how new policies will be enacted, and whether or not they are legal or constitutional.
But this kind of chaos is not random, and it is not a basic response to flashy headlines and political opinion. This anger and division is fomenting, it is a byproduct of a larger production – towards order out of chaos.’

Read more: Operation ‘Chaos’: Trump And His Opponents Ushering In Age of Instability

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