Overnight Regulation: Trump’s 2-for-1 regulations order challenged in court

‘Liberal groups are taking legal action against an executive order from President Trump that directs federal agencies to repeal two regulations for each new rule they issue.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and Public Citizen on Wednesday sued Trump in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday, seeking to block the so-called 1-in-2-out executive order.
The groups argue that Trump’s Jan. 30 order exceeds his authority under the Constitution and will block important health, safety and environmental protections without taking the benefits of those rules into account.
Chris Shelton, president of CWA, a union, said workers shouldn’t be required to “trade off one set of job, health and safety protections in order to get protection from another equally dangerous condition.”‘
Read more: Overnight Regulation: Trump’s 2-for-1 regulations order challenged in court

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