Riyadh may send forces to Syria to back US campaign against Daesh: Saudi Foreign Minister

‘Saudi Arabia says it is ready to support the United States in its so-called war against the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in Syria by sending ground troops and special forces to the war-torn Arab country.
Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir made the remarks in an exclusive interview with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung published on Monday, adding that there were consultations with the Americans to “find out what the plan is and what you need to implement it.”
He also stated that along with Riyadh, other Persian Gulf Arab “countries” were also “ready to allocate forces to fight on the US side,” without giving further details about the potential military initiative…
…Elsewhere in his remarks, the Saudi foreign minister said the “main idea is that” the territories liberated from the grips of Daesh must be handed over to the armed foreign-backed Syrian opposition groups to prevent the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement, Iran and the Syrian government from wresting control of them.’
Read more: Riyadh may send forces to Syria to back US campaign against Daesh: Saudi Foreign Minister

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