Science paper attempts to claim all flu shots work, even if it’s the wrong strain… but actually admits vaccine-induced immunization is a farce

‘A credible-looking, journal-published study currently making the rounds in defense of seasonal influenza vaccines claims that these aggressively-pushed jabs are very effective and that people should keep on getting them every year no matter what — even when the viral strain being immunized for is not actually the viral strain that a person has, or that is predominantly circulating throughout the public.
According to the paper, getting the flu shot is still a good idea, regardless of whether or not the influenza strain is a direct match, because, by golly, we said so! Well, there is a touch more science to it than that, but the premise to the new study is basically this: no matter what influenza strain is being targeted by a particular flu vaccine, that vaccine will still somehow offer protective benefits.’
Read more: Science paper attempts to claim all flu shots work, even if it’s the wrong strain… but actually admits vaccine-induced immunization is a farce

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