‘Stop Israelis from these crimes’: Palestine demands international action over settlements law

‘The Palestinian Authority has led an international outcry against Israel’s decision to retroactively legalize 4,000 Jewish homes, illegally constructed in the West Bank, but the US has chosen to stay silent, for now.
“This is an escalation that would only lead to more instability and chaos,” warned Nabil Abu Rdeneh, spokesman for the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.
Passed by 60 votes to 52 in the Knesset on Monday night, the law will force the Arab owners of the land on which Israeli settlements have been built without permission, to either accept monetary compensation or another piece of land in exchange for their own. Refusing to sell is not an option.
Abu Rdeneh said that the law contravened last December’s unanimously-approved UN Security Council resolution which declared that settlement construction “constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.”’
Read more: ‘Stop Israelis from these crimes’: Palestine demands international action over settlements law

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