SYRIA: UK Academic Slams Amnesty International and NGO Complex Propaganda Campaigns

‘The Amnesty International “Human Slaughterhouse” report, targeting the Syrian government, yet again, has come under sustained attack from academics and geopolitical commentators globally, despite the corporate media eagerness to diseminate the report with very little investigation or verification.
Author of the Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security and Professor of Politics, Society and Political Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Professor Piers Robinson on NATO-propaganda and media manipulation with Going Underground, for RT.
“Professor Piers Robinson discusses media manipulation of conflicts over the last 15 years saying they have been:
“Associated with very major and very substantial propaganda campaigns, attempts to persuade and manipulate opinion to support conflict”.’
Read more: SYRIA: UK Academic Slams Amnesty International and NGO Complex Propaganda Campaigns

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