The Deregulation and Privatization of Hydro-Electric Power: Ontario’s Hydro ‘Mistake’

‘Hydro in Ontario is a mess and rates are skyrocketing. The high number of people who have trouble paying or can’t pay their Hydro bills is growing by the day. Businesses are leaving the province and/or refusing to locate here because of high Hydro rates. A group that is especially being ignored is small and medium business including farmers (that’s from a former union activist!).
On 19 November 2016, Premier Kathleen Wynne said she made a “mistake on Hydro” and took “responsibility for it.” But it wasn’t just an accident that Hydro rates skyrocketed. Rates shot through the roof because they were structured that way through Provincial Government legislation. In actual fact, all three Provincial parties bear responsibility for the Hydro “mistake.”
It’s worth reviewing that history.’
Read more: The Deregulation and Privatization of Hydro-Electric Power: Ontario’s Hydro ‘Mistake’

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