The GOP and ALEC’s Brazen Plan to Sell Off America’s Public Lands to the Fossil Fuel Industry

‘National parks, forests, refuges and other public lands have been important to Americans since the realization in the mid-19th-century that our wild places were disappearing. Today, these protected, shared lands are valued for their beauty, recreation and economic values as well as the clean air, water and wildlife habitat they provide.
Protected forests and red rock lands in Nevada and Utah belong to vacationing families in Massachusetts and New Mexico. Parks and refuges in Montana and California belong to campers and birdwatchers from South Carolina and Illinois.
But the political regime change in Washington, D.C. means that our wild American lands—and the outdoor recreation opportunities they offer—are under direct attack.’
Read more: The GOP and ALEC’s Brazen Plan to Sell Off America’s Public Lands to the Fossil Fuel Industry

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