The Obamas Prepare to Cash In

‘Barack Obama certainly did his part. Corporate profits soared during his eight years in office. The wealth of the richest 400 Americans grew from $1.57 trillion to $2.4 trillion. Social inequality increased at an accelerating rate.
With Obama in the White House, the stock market enjoyed one of its most successful runs in history (the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 148 percent, a greater percentage increase than under Ronald Reagan).
Concretely, according to CNN Money, “Dow components JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs have skyrocketed since the [2008-2009] bailout and are not far from their record highs. … Apple’s shares have surged more than 415% since he [Obama] took office. Amazon’s are up an astonishing 900%. And Facebook, which went public during the last few months of Obama’s first term in 2012, is up 230% from its offering price.”’
Read more: The Obamas Prepare to Cash In

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