There Are Now 2 Establishments

The mainstream media and their deep state allies on both sides of the Atlantic are in full panic mode.

They are losing credibility, they are losing their grip with reality and they are losing their audience. However, they still wield a great deal of power due to their handsomely funded infrastructure and their historic alliances with the political elite.

All of that notwithstanding, people seem to forget that the President of the United States is a man who took on the old establishment and continues to take on what remains of the mainstream media and their political allies.

All of this leads one to conclude that far from there being an establishment fighting ‘moderate rebels’, there are now two establishments competing for legitimacy.

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There are historical precedents for the concept of rival establishments. Between 1378 and 1417, there was a schism in the Roman Catholic Church where at times three different individuals claimed to be Pope. There was a Pope in Rome, a Pope in Avignon in France and for a time a Pope in Pisa, each claiming to be the leader of Roman Catholicism.

Between 1920 and 1923 there were two governments competing for legitimacy in late Ottoman Turkey. The old establishment in Constantinople led by Sultan Mehmed VI was rivalled by the Government of the Grand National Assembly in Ankara led by Ataturk.

More recently in the early 1990s, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was at in a three way rivalry for legitimacy between himself as President of the USSR, Boris Yeltsin as President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and for a while the leaders of the so-called August coup of 1991.

In 1993 there was yet another competition for legitimacy between Russian President Boris Yeltsin and leaders of the Russian Supreme Soviet and Congress of People’s Deputies of Russia. The conflict became violent as Yeltsin ordered tanks to fire on the Russian White House where his rival leaders where entrenched.

Today, a new western establishment led by Donald Trump, his supporters in alternative and social media, and other European groups ranging from Marine Le Pen’s Front National to Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party, are competing for legitimacy against an old establishment led by elements of the American Deep State, members of the US Congress,  British Intelligence Agencies, British civil service, the French Deep State, the European Union, and the old establishment media (New York Times, BBC, CNN etc).

This is why a recent reprimand of RT by OffCom, Britain’s so-called media watchdog, which in reality is something of a censorship board, needs to be seen in the content of the war between the competing establishments.

RT stands accused of airing a CrossTalk episode with guests who expressed scepticism towards NATO in the 21stcentury. RT was accused by an anonymous complainant of anti-American bias. OffCom took the complaint on board. No prizes for the person who suggests it was an ‘inside job’.

Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of scepticism against NATO and as President continues to argue for drastic reforms of the alliance. I’ve heard of being more Catholic than the Pope and more royal than the King.  Now we can add to that list, more American than the POTUS.

One is witnessing the odd spectre that those who used to be in the opposition, are still derided as dissenting voices, even though in great part, they are agreeing with the President of the United States. If agreeing with the President of the US makes one anti-western or un-American, then the mind really does boggle.

For years there has been talk of a Deep State or ‘shadow state’ tail wagging the dog of political figureheads in the West, but now there is something much more blatant. There is a war between establishments. The new establishment will not surrender or die but neither will the old guard will not give up without a fight.

Like Octavian versus Mark Antony, there is something quite epic about this battle. As they say, pass the popcorn.

The post There Are Now 2 Establishments appeared first on LewRockwell.

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