Theresa May defies Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu with vow of support for Iran nuclear deal

‘Theresa May has stood firm in her commitment to the Iranian nuclear deal despite pressure from the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for fresh sanctions on Tehran.
In a visit to Downing Street just days after Iran test-fired a ballistic missile Mr Netanyahu said “responsible” nations should follow Donald Trump’s lead to head of Iranian aggression.
The President has recently described the deal – brokered by his predecessor Barack Obama – as the “worst deal ever negotiated”.
But speaking in the Commons shortly after the two leaders met at Number 10 for their first bilateral meeting, Ms May made no mention of further sanctions against Tehran. “We continue to believe the Iran nuclear deal was an important step forward and important contribution to stability in the region and we continue to support it,” she said.’
Read more: Theresa May defies Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu with vow of support for Iran nuclear deal

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