Trump on Russia: Getting along is great, sinking their ship isn’t

‘Donald Trump would love to get along with Moscow, but due to “false, horrible and fake” news reporting, Americans would likely see it as weakness and would rather praise as “great” an order to sink a Russian ship, the US president has said.
“Tomorrow you’ll say: ‘Donald Trump wants to get along with Russia. This is terrible!’ It’s not terrible. It’s good,” Trump said during his 90-minute press conference on Thursday in which he mounted a vigorous offense against “fake news” and its impact on Russian-US relations.
“I know politically [getting along with Russia] is not very good for me… The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that’s 30 miles off shore right out of the water. Everyone in this country is going to say ‘Oh, that’s so great!’ That’s not great… I would love to get along with Russia.”’

Read more: Trump on Russia: Getting along is great, sinking their ship isn’t

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