Trump to greet Netanyahu ‘by abandoning 2-state doctrine’ – claim

‘Benjamin Netanyahu has never had it so good in Washington.
After eight years of visits to an Obama White House where he was seen as a political adversary and an obstacle to Middle East peace, the Israeli Prime Minister will be greeted at the Trump White House on Wednesday like a beloved old friend — and as a welcome distraction from headlines about Russia and the sacking of national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Netanyahu has known both Trump and the family of Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, for over a decade. His ambassador, Ron Dermer, has developed a close bond with Kushner, and was spotted walking near the White House with Trump’s senior adviser, Stephen Bannon, on Tuesday. On Thursday night, one of Netanyahu’s staunchest supporters, the billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, dined with Trump at the White House.’
Read more: Trump to greet Netanyahu ‘by abandoning 2-state doctrine’ – claim

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