Two female secret agents behind murder of Kim Jong-un’s brother, Malaysian police confirm, after arrest of taxi driver

‘Two female secret agents were behind the murder of Kim Jong-un’s brother in Kuala Lumpur, a Malaysian police officer has told the Telegraph, after the arrest of a taxi driver who picked them up from the airport.
Kim Jong-nam, 45, died on Monday after collapsing at Kuala Lumpur International Airport while waiting to board a flight back to Macau, where he was living in exile.
The arrest of the taxi driver, who is in his 30s, was made soon after CCTV footage had been analysed and police were now searching for the two women.
“We have already looked through the CCTV footage, hence we managed to arrest the taxi driver who had taken the two woman who carried out the assassination,” said the senior police official who asked not to be named.’
Read more: Two female secret agents behind murder of Kim Jong-un’s brother, Malaysian police confirm, after arrest of taxi driver 

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