U.S. Companies Free to Buy ‘Conflict Minerals’ from Central African Warlords. Leaked Trump Presidential Memo

‘The leaked draft of a presidential memorandum Donald Trump is expected to sign within days suspends a 2010 rule that discouraged American companies from funding conflict and human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo through their purchase of “conflict minerals.”
The memo, distributed inside the administration on Friday afternoon and obtained by The Intercept, directs the Securities and Exchange Commission to temporarily waive the requirements of the Conflict Mineral Rule, a provision of the Dodd Frank Act, for two years — which the rule explicitly allows the president to do for national security purposes. The memorandum also directs the State Department and Treasury Department to find an alternative plan to “address such problems in the DRC and adjoining countries.”’
Read more: U.S. Companies Free to Buy ‘Conflict Minerals’ from Central African Warlords. Leaked Trump Presidential Memo

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