U.S. Senators Submit Bill Seeking Veto Power Over Trump On Russia Sanctions

‘A group of U.S. senators has introduced legislation that would hamstring any effort by President Donald Trump’s administration to lift sanctions imposed on Russia for its actions in Ukraine.
The bill, called the Russia Sanctions Review Act, has both Republican and Democratic backers and comes amid mounting concerns in Congress about the Trump administration’s policy intentions toward Russia.
Trump has repeatedly signaled he wants more cooperation with Russia in areas like the fight against international terrorism, particularly in Syria. But his administration has made statements about Ukraine and other issues that echo Russia’s perspective, in contrast to the previous U.S. administration.
Senators Lindsey Graham (Republican-South Carolina) and Ben Cardin (Democrat-Maryland) are among the group backing the legislation that would impose strict congressional oversight and veto power over the Trump administration if it sought to lift sanctions on Russia.’
Read more: U.S. Senators Submit Bill Seeking Veto Power Over Trump On Russia Sanctions

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