U.S. State Department Begins Effort To Undermine French Election and Utilize ‘The Vast Russian Conspiracy’…

‘Those who follow the messaging from within the unofficial news agency of the U.S. State Department, CNN or CNNi, might have noticed a report delivered by Wolf Blitzer yesterday claiming the Russians were set to influence another nationalist election victory, this time in France.
The entire proclamation by Blitzer, and the executive level CNN folks who put it together, was almost identical to the previous claims of a vast Russian conspiracy influencing the U.S. election and the victory of President Donald Trump. The difference between November 2016 and today, is this time CNN is attempting to get out ahead of an election rather than responding to the outcome therein.
In essence, CNN -and by extension the progressive State Department officials remaining within the shadow deep state construct- is trying to influence the French Presidential Race. Blaming the Russians in advance is an attempt to weaken Marine Le Pen.’
Read more: U.S. State Department Begins Effort To Undermine French Election and Utilize ‘The Vast Russian Conspiracy’…

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