UN Chief Considering Israeli War Criminal Tzipi Livni for Under Secretary-General Post

‘Zionist Union MK Tzipi Livni received a call from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s office over the weekend telling the former justice minister she is being considered for the position of under secretary-general.
Livni’s associates called it a “preliminary check” and stressed that no offer had been made.
Livni met with Guterres two weeks ago at his office in New York. She firmly denied at the time that she and Guterres spoke about a posting.
Her associates continued to deny on Sunday that there were any personal issues regarding the employment for Livni discussed or hinted at in their talk two weeks ago.
Livni’s associates joined Guterres’s spokesman in denying any connection between the possible job for Livni and the question of whether former Palestinian Authority prime minister Salam Fayyad would be appointed the UN’s envoy to Libya.’
Read more: UN Chief Considering Israeli War Criminal Tzipi Livni for Under Secretary-General Post

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